Service Flow

We will try our best to handle every case with the utmost humanity.
Measures would be proposed with the given considerations of time and budget

7 steps of the flow:

Mask Group 41


Mask Group 42

Identify the
target animal

Proceed with

Mask Group 44

Capture in a proper
and humane way

Mask Group 47

Rehab in HKACC facilities (if needed)

Mask Group 46

Return to nature, or suitable habitats (Some overseas institutions might be involved and consulted)

Propose preventive
measures for clients

Mask Group 41

Case received

Mask Group 42

Identify the target animal

Proceed with zoning

Mask Group 44

Capture in a proper and humane way

Mask Group 47

Rehab in HKACC facilities (if needed)

Mask Group 46

Return to nature, or suitable habitats (Some overseas institutions might be involved and consulted)

Mask Group 45

Propose preventive measures for clients

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